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Our dependency on plastics has become a nightmare for the environment, but what are we doing about it? Consumerism is at its peak and that creates a lot of packaging and waste, more so during this world pandemic. While the transformation can be driven by big companies and policies by the government, I personally believe that there’s a lot that we as individuals can do as well, even if it is for our own conscience. And it’s not difficult, we just need to go a little back in time and look into our traditional sources of wisdom. What do you do for sustainability? Socho!

I can be contacted on Instagram – or you can send me voice notes on Facebook – If you want to talk about something in lengths or an instance, a thought, an idea, an experience, an observation, anything at all, please consider this platform as a safe space to do that. I am also up for collaborations. Email to, log on to for more information, or just google ‘Dhvani Podcast’.

Lauren Singer’s 4 years of waste in a jar –

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